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How To Stay Fit At 50 And Beyond

How To Stay Fit At 50 And Beyond

Working out or at least reaching a comfortable level of fitness is difficult for anyone. For women turning 50 and above, this can be even more challenging. Today, wherever you turn, the TV, radio, billboards, flyers, in malls and online ads, exercising is being punted. And when you need an exercise routine for 50 year old women, weight loss programs, exercise equipment and fitness routines to choose from, staying healthy has never been more crucial.

How To Stay Fit After Age 50?

As hard as it may seem, there are exercise routines for women over 50-year-old. These are the five simple tips for you to get, and stay, fit at the age of 50 and beyond!

Lift Weights

Using weights may seem scary for a lot of matured women. However, using light weight when starting your exercise routine for a 50 year old woman can be the best way for older women to amp up their overall fitness – and it can hold back creeping weight gain. There’s no age that weight training can’t take on. Building strength and muscle mass through weight lifting at least twice a week can give you great results.

Walk Regularly

When cardiovascular fitness is mentioned, right behind it, or in front, is walking. Why, not only does it help keep your weight in check, but it’s also proven to be a great mood booster. Adding aerobics in your exercise routine for a 50 year old woman such as cycling, swimming, or jogging, helps lower body fat and improve flexibility and the tone of your body, however, for women over 50, walking does all those tricks.

Some Of The Benefits Of Walking At 50 And Beyond

Doing errands always involves you walking, taking your pet out for exercises involves walking, going to socialize, can mean some walking involved, so there’s no reason for you not to take up. What’s more, if you combine walking with lifting weights, you’re on the way to effective getting and staying in shape long after 50!

Add High-Intensity Interval Training (HIIT)

​For an overall improved exercise routine for a 50 year old woman, interval training is essential. Although it can be challenging, it’s one of the fastest and most effective ways to meet your health and fitness goals. The one thing you will need to remember when getting into interval training, while also minimizing the risks involved, is to start slow. When going out for a walk, for example, start increasing the pace for 30 seconds, and then take it back a notch. Do this every 5 minutes and until you reach a complete five, 30 second sets.

Doing this regularly each week, you’ll soon see that you can get into jogging during those 30-second intervals.

What’s great about interval training is that you’re in control of the effort and levels of your set. If you’ve had an exercise routine for a while now, you can add more high-intensity interval training.

Note: pay attention to any warning signs that you’re overdoing it, and take a step back.

Simple High-Intensity Interval Training Exercise Plan

Add Core Exercises

With age, we often become less active, and with that, our core strength is always the first to take the hit. If not worked on, weakened core strength can result in other physical aches developing due to poor body mechanics and alignments. If you’re suffering from sore backs, knees, necks and hips, it’s probably because of a poor core strength.

Start with a quick 20-minute core workout at least 3 times a week to keep a balanced core strength and stability. You can also include body weight exercises that push your core to contract so that you can maintain core muscles.

These are just some of the many exercise routines for 50 year old women that can help you get into the groove and stay healthy and fit for many more years to come.

At Fabulous 50s, we believe in the power of feeling and looking fabulous at 50 and beyond. If you need an exercise routine that works for women over 50, call us today!

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