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Health Conditions Associated With Hair Loss In Men

Health Conditions Associated With Hair Loss In Men

Hair loss is among the most common problems men face as they age. Although thinning of hair or baldness is often associated with age, there are more serious, health-related problems that you should watch out for that might cause hair loss.

You need to keep in mind that hair loss, especially in men, could also mean that you’re experiencing a specific health condition. If you aren’t sure what causes your hair loss, these health conditions might be the culprit:

Androgenetic Alopecia

The most common cause of hair loss in men is androgenetic alopecia or male pattern baldness. Androgenetic alopecia in men is also associated with several health conditions, such as prostate cancer or prostate enlargement, diabetes, obesity, coronary heart disease, and hypertension.

This type of hair loss in men follows a specific pattern, making it easier to detect. Male-pattern baldness starts on both temples and gradually pushes your hairline back, forming an “M.” It can also thin the hair on your crown, which could progress to partial or complete baldness.

Androgenetic alopecia often responds well to medications like Finasteride and Minoxidil. Finasteride is an oral medication that is prescribed to address this condition. Meanwhile, Minoxidil is a topical treatment that creates an ideal hair regrowth environment on your scalp.

One of the known Finasteride medications is Propecia. What’s great about this medication is that you can acquire a coupon for it to lessen your expense.  Propecia Offers  these discounts opportunities to help you save money from your purchases. Conversely, Rogaine is the most used Minoxidil treatment and is available over the counter.

Alopecia Areata

Another common health condition that causes baldness in men is Alopecia Areata. Unlike Androgenetic Alopecia, Alopecia Areata occurs in a patchy pattern. Because of this, you’ll instantly know what condition you are suffering from.

Alopecia Areata causes hair fall in round patches. The size of these patches usually has the same size as a coin. This condition doesn’t only affects your scalp. It can also happen to other parts of your body.

Some alopecia areata conditions can go away on their own, which doesn’t require any treatment. However, it’s still best to consult a doctor as they are the ones who know whether a treatment is necessary or you’ll just have to wait for your hair to regrow on its own.

Autoimmune Disorders

Autoimmune disorders like Lupus and hypothyroidism are another cause of hair loss in men. Hormones have a significant impact on our body. It helps our body to function properly. With a low amount of hormones, your body will function slowly, which includes growing your hair.

Hypothyroidism means that you have an underactive thyroid. Our thyroid produces important hormones to support our body. That said, an underactive thyroid produces fewer hormones. Thus, you’ll experience hair fall and slow hair regrowth.

Another autoimmune disorder that could cause baldness is Lupus. Individuals with Lupus experience skin problems like rashes and sores. These problems could also affect the scalp causing your hair to fall.

Additionally, medicines used to treat Lupus can also cause hair fall. So, the reason for your baldness or hair thinning could also be your medication’s side effects.

Fungal Infection

The hair loss you’re experiencing might also be due to a fungal infection. Many fungal infections could cause your hair to fall, like trichomycosis, tinea capitis, dermatophytes, and dandruff.

A fungal infection on your scalp is very itchy, which makes it easier to detect. Once you experience excessive itchiness and notice hair fall and hair loss in patches or even feel bumps on your scalp, you should immediately visit a dermatologist.

Dermatologists are the right health professional for this matter, as the problem lies on your scalp, which is a part of your skin. The dermatologist will then decide what treatment or medication to use according to the type of fungal infection you are suffering from and the severity of the problem.

Nutritional Deficiencies

Another condition that you must consider is nutritional deficiencies. You might not know you’re suffering from a nutritional deficiency that causes hair loss. One of the nutritional deficiencies that you must watch out for is iron deficiency.

It’s the most common nutritional deficiency globally, affecting 30% of the global population. Iron deficiency, although it still has an unclear connection, could be the culprit behind your hair loss. Aside from iron deficiency, there are more nutritional deficits that you must watch out for.

For instance, Zinc deficiency is associated with androgenetic alopecia. Aside from zinc and iron, you might also consider looking out for the levels of the following vitamins and essentials in your body to pinpoint the root cause of your hair loss:

Final Words

Knowing these conditions and how it affects your hair will give you an idea of what could be the problem behind your hair loss. Age isn’t the only factor that you should consider. Visiting your doctor and discussing your hair loss problem is highly recommended. This way, you’ll pinpoint your condition and receive the right treatment according to your situation.

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