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Common Breastfeeding Problems to be Aware Of

Breastfeeding is a full-time job that comes with its own set of challenges. To some mothers who are lucky enough, breastfeeding comes naturally but to most of the others it isn’t the most natural thing. Every mother learns and gains new information as every baby is different. If mothers try to understand the mechanics of this whole breastfeeding process then things become very easy. Breastfeeding is all about demand of the milk that is supplied by the mother. Everything falls into place if this dynamic is sorted. A healthy and constant demand for milk when it meets the same enthusiastic supply then there’s no impediment in nourishing the child in the most optimal manner. The supply can be raised to the demand level by lactation brownies and other herbal teas that boost the supply and promote a great bonding experience.

Facing new challenges and problems are the part and parcel of the breast-feeding process that every mother and child duo has to go through in order to have a successful and proficient relationship. Many problems you might face are very common among mothers and you’ll probably get an answer without any struggle. So don’t get discouraged or dejected, just keep on going and you will eventually nail it like every mother does. There are many things that can help you with, during this journey like breastfeeding cookies to increase milk supply, nursing bras for a comfortable opening, breast pumps with size appropriate flanges to ease breast engorgement and medicines to soothe sore nipples.

According to the CDC (Centres of Disease Control and Prevention) about a whopping 81% of the moms agreed to exclusively breastfeed their child for the first six months but by the end of the six months only a mere 52% of the mother’s stick to the exclusive feeding. As the daily routine, family responsibilities, attending to the other children and job pressures kick in; mothers give up and rely more and more on top feeding. Any amount of breast milk is the best source of nutrition and sustenance a newborn can get. Mothers must try their best to give this best nutrition to their babies and must surmount any problem that comes in their way.

With a lot of research, exploration and interviews we have unlocked the top 7 problems faced by the mothers when they are breastfeeding the baby exclusively. If you relate or identify with any such problem then read on we have you sorted.

  1. Not Enough Milk supply

This is the most common problem and sometimes an irrational fear of every new mom. They always think that they aren’t making enough milk to satiate their hungry baby. Usually after 6-10 weeks when the supply of the milk has adjusted to the demand the breasts might not feel that full, leading to a panic mom who doubts herself all the time. If you have a cranky baby who isn’t gaining enough weight or pooping and peeing the right amount, then and only then mothers should worry about supply. If that is the case then enjoy our delicious lactation brownies and boost your milk supply, simple and tasty.

  1. Failure to Latch or a Painful Latching

A tiny bit of sensitivity or a slight tingling sensation is common in the first few days of the breastfeeding process but it shouldn’t be a shooting pain that doesn’t subside through the entire feeding session. If the pain does last for more than 2-3 minutes into the feeding then a latch problem might be the reason. A good latch saves the mom from so many problems, so it’s absolutely vital to work for that perfect one. Make sure that the baby is sucking not only the nipple but also a good part of the areola. The results of a good latch will be very much visible.

  1. A Hefty Supply of Milk

If your supply of milk is substantial and heavy then maybe your let down reflex is working very efficiently. Every mom faces the problem of leaking breast at some point or the other. Usually the breasts release the amount of milk that has been drained by the baby but sometimes when the baby demands frequent feedings or just the loud crying can trigger the milk flow. Mums can use nursing pads to prevent the ruining of cloths and also save themselves from awkwardness.

  1. Engorged or Swollen Breasts

The inadequate milk drainage from the breast that makes them hard, uncomfortable and very painful is known as breast engorgement. In the initial stages of breast milk the mother and the baby are still adjusting to the needs of each other and breasts sometimes can feel fuller and heavier. But if the problem persists that too with pain and discomfort then it’s the case of negligence is milk removal. Frequent nursing, using breasts pump when the baby is full and following a strict pattern is the only way to get rid of it.

  1. Sore, Cracked and Sensitive Nipples

A bad latch or a biting baby can be the profound reasons for sore and cracked nipples. If there is a shooting pain while nursing that doesn’t subsides the entire time or if your nipples are red or bleeding then you must treat them as this can lead to mastitis. A simple way is to apply lanolin-based ointments or creams in between feeding sessions to heal the soreness quickly.

  1. Clogged Ducts

If the milk from the breasts isn’t drained properly for a long time the milk starts to accumulate in the breasts and with rising pressure the milk ducts can get clogged or blocked. The symptoms of this can be a lump in the breast, fever, constant aches and the mother must visit a doctor. Mothers should express milk from breasts, do frequent nursing, use a warm and cold compress before and after feeding sessions to open the blockage.

  1. Thrush

This is a very common yeast infection that is present in the mouth of the baby. When the baby feeds from the breast thrush can spread on to the breasts. Both mother and the newborn has to be treated for antifungal infection to spread it from spread to and fro. Mothers might notice itchiness, redness and shooting pains in the breasts.

Final thoughts

Breastfeeding is a wholesome and fulfilling experience yet it has its own set of problems, but those can all be combated with proper guidance and knowledge. If you find any problem that lasts for a longer time than visit your doctor for better treatment.

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